Review old school new body and #Bonuses

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock the last few years you’ve probably heard of the blockbuster workout program called Old School New Body. It’s the only workout program backed by a leading fitness magazine and it’s been a best seller for 2 years now.
Marilyn Monroe Avid Weight Trainer
Why is Old School New Body getting so much attention? Simple…
Because it works!
But Old School New Body isn’t for everyone, that’s why I created this honest review of the program including what I feel are the positives, the negatives and everything else in between. Before I dig in I wanna make sure you aren’t wasting your time with this so if you fit any of the following criteria, you can stop reading this…

  • You are in your teens or twenties (Ideally you should be 35 or older)
  • You already have a body that looks the way you want it to look
  • You have a successful workout program that only takes up an hour or two of your time each week
If you fit any of the 3 criteria above, stop reading this. But if you’re in your 30′s or later, don’t have the body you want and find yourself feeling like you have to spend your life at the gym to get results, then read on…


The creators of this program John Rowley and Steve Holman (Click Here For An Interview With John Rowley) designed Old School New Body with the over 35 crowd in mind. As I’ll show you in a sec, both of these guys are in great shape and neither is a spring Vince Gironda Training apollo Creed
John is a good friend of mine and he once told me that, Old School New Body takes the basic principals that old school bodybuilders (the people before steroids) used to get their physiques and condenses it into a 90-minute workout!
This means that the program is easy to use, doesn’t require an exceptional amount of knowledge or “special” coordination and is very appropriate for newbies, people with injuries and people over 35.
The Old School New Body system is broken down into 3 different segments they call Lean, Shape and Build each of which I’ll go into greater detail on in a sec.
Since they divided this system up into 3 different goal categories it allows both men and women to get awesome results with these workouts. Let’s dig a little deeper and go over…


Old School New Body is quite a big program but the focus of the system is what the authors call the FX4 method and the 3 different workout systems that deliver a specific result to the user. Here’s the 3 different workouts and what they do…
THE LEAN WORKOUTS - These were designed to be used all of your life so you can reap the amazing benefits of moderate-poundage, growth- threshold weight training.
It’s also a great program to start a lifting regimen. Once you get rolling, and feel and see the results, you may want to take it to the next level, which is where the Shape Workout comes in.
THE SHAPE WORKOUTS - The Shape program is a bit more extensive, but you still only work out three days a week. The workouts take about an hour or less, but that’s so you can add a bit more shapely muscle to your frame and continue to blast off bodyfat.
You can get incredible results using both the Lean and
Shape workouts—for example, the more abbreviated Lean program in the winter, then ramp up to the Shape Workout in the spring and summer when clothes are skimpier and your body is more “in the public eye.”
THE BUILD WORKOUTS - These workouts are for those who crave a serious muscle-building regimen. It’s for men and women who want a peak physique. Some men can use this program to take it to the extreme—genetics and effort willing—but most trainees will simply add more visible muscle without that overblown look.
It even works great for women where you can use it for a four-week cycle in the summer when you want to push your beach body look that extra few degrees.
But in addition to these 3 different workout segments the system also includes advice on handling:
  • Injuries
  • Pain Relief
  • Diet Fads And Fallacies
  • Faster Fat Loss
  • Faster Muscle Building
  • Building Motivation
  • Health Building
  • Anti Aging
  • Sex And Youthful Vigor
  • And More!
But perhaps the coolest thing that they included in this system was a complete guide to the old school bodybuilder diet which is almost the same as the Paleo diet. Believe it or not but these “old school” guys were using this “new” diet 50+ years ago to get lean and toned. CRAZY, right?
Ok, now that you know what this program is about and what it includes let’s address the elephant in the room…
The Old School New Body Package


The easy answer is for me to highlight their credibility by telling you that John is a best selling author, motivational speaker and all around awesome guy and Steve is the over 50 and ever so ripped editor of Iron Man Magazine.
John Rowley And Steve Holman
But that’s not the direction I’m gonna go with this. Yes John and Steve have great track records and both are awesomely fit for their age but even more then that is how genuine these guys are.
I’ve known John personally for over a year now and I am 100% confident in saying that he is a genuine guy who genuinely cares about helping people get better results using his old school training secrets.
So… I guess you could say you don’t have to trust him if you don’t want to but I would trust John with my life. He’s that great of a guy!
Ok, enough ego boosting for these guys, let’s talk about…


Old School New Body is very well rounded especially when you consider the bonus manuals and interviews that come with the system. Perhaps the one thing I would like to see with this program is some sort of exercise instructional videos.
I’m a huge fan of videos because they really help people learn to exercise with perfect form and unfortunately this system doesn’t have video demonstrations. That being said, the workouts are fairly safe and simple so as long as you follow the instructions in the manual you should be fine.

Phase 3 F4x Build 

Here's where guys like me come into the picture. I love the look of fitness pro, or what I call "a mini bodybuilder." That huge, grotesque muscle mass you see on the covers of bodybuilding magazines? Not for me. Folks, that's not built by training hard. That's built by training hard, taking illegal drugs, and eating like a horse.
I love muscles, but I don't want to look like I can't fit through the front door of my house! Plus, our kids would really freak out if they saw daddy come home looking like the Hulk.
Still, I wanted those 15-20 extra pounds of muscle on my frame, so I use the F4X BUILD Protocol. Again, same foundational plan, just with simple tweaks to the lifts and diet.


Ok… Since you’ve read this far, I’ll make it simple…
As I said in the beginning, this program is for people over 35 who want short workouts that reshape their body safely and effectively. It does work and it will likely work for you if you use it.
So… Ask yourself this question?
Do you want to lose fat and gain lean muscle safely in less than 90 minutes per week?
If the answer is YES! Then you have your answer…

IF YES THEN =>    Grab Yourself A Copy Of Old School New Body


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